About us

Coming up with trendy gift ideas for young ladies can be a daunting task.  Just as daunting as it is for us to find an online shop that includes the latest trending products and everything we love all in one go.  Don’t worry, we get it. These days, trends come and go in the blink of an eye, so it’s hard to keep up.

We are a small family business based in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.  We have a really cool team of girls who love pretty things and choose all the beautiful products available on this website. 

We strive to make Tallula.co.za the perfect one-stop online shop for young ladies who love top trending products at affordable prices.

We are follow the latest trends on Tiktok, Instagram, Pinterest and other social media platforms.  Our product range consists of Cosmetics, Bath Products, Bags, iPhone cases, Apple Watch Straps, Jewellery, Hair Accessories and more... 

If you have a niche product that you think would suit our online shop, please contact us info@tallula.co.za - We would love to hear from you !